Award for Chair of Governors


1st October 2019

We are delighted that Pam Powell our Chair of Governors will be receiving a British Empire Medal after a career in education spanning 40 years. Pam is not only Chair of Governors here at Chapel St Leonards Primary School, but also Chair for four other schools across the county – Woodlands Academy in Spilsby, Greenfields Academy, Ambergate Sports College and Sandon School in Grantham.

Pam commented, “I am truly proud and privileged to receive this honour. I  thoroughly enjoyed my teaching career. There is nothing better than seeing children develop through learning new skills; when they suddenly realise they can do something, it is quite magical.

Working with people who are passionate about education is the main reason I continue to be involved through my role as a Governor. My own parents were very community minded so I am happy to follow their example. My son is also a Chair of Governors at a Primary School so maybe it’s in the blood!”

Being a Chair of Governors for five schools is not the only volunteering Pam is involved in. She is also President of The Ladies Skegness Probus, Secretary of Ramsden Village Hall committee Old Bolingbroke, Chair of Old Bolingbroke and Haresby Parish Council, as well as being Clerk at The Gregory Croft Charitable Trust, who provide financial support to young people within their local area.

Pam has always felt passionately about bringing the community together so she embarked on a challenge last year, alongside a group of willing volunteers, to organise a regular Luncheon Club for villagers to attend in Old Bolingbroke.

Pam’s education background has meant that she has a very strong understanding of Leadership time, and this has allowed her to help the schools she is Chair of Governors for, to focus and support them through the task of making sure three of the special schools remained Outstanding by Ofsted in recent years.