School Games Gold


9th September 2019

We are delighted to announce they have built upon their sporting success of last year by achieving the Gold School Games Award for 2019 – last year we got Silver.

We have worked hard to provide further opportunities during their PE lessons, extra-curricular sports clubs and competitions. Whilst increasing engagement and attendance figures with the range of extra-curricular sports clubs on offer, they have also improved club links, directing pupils to external sports clubs within the Chapel St Leonards and Skegness area.

There has been a focus on increasing activity for targeted less active children, aligning with more opportunities to partake in external competitions which have seen over 95% of pupils from Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 experience at least one event.

Leadership skills have improved with pupils given the opportunity to support coaching and officiating in Curriculum PE, whilst there has been enhanced participation within inter-school sports competitions.