Critical Worker Home School Agreement


21st March 2020

Those children who have been given a place at school during our closure have been contacted by the school. It is very important that everyone understands how this will work. Our Home-School agreement during our closure is here:

We are operating in very testing times. The Government guidance is very clear about the provision schools are able to offer.  Please read and sign below. One form for each child.

As parents and carers we understand that:

  • If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be. The expectation from the Government is that ALL parents will do everything in their power to ensure their children are NOT IN SCHOOL, regardless of the status of Critical Worker or vulnerable child.


  • My child will attend school in their school uniform each day.


  • I need to provide any medication my child will need as per normal school policy.


  • If we are not carrying out our role as a critical worker my child should be at home as per government guidance.


  • It is vital that the school has up to date emergency contact details.


  • If my child develops any symptoms as per the government guidance I will be required to collect them from school immediately. The school’s decision on nature of symptoms is final.


  • If you are self-isolating this is for 14 days from the start of symptoms and children cannot come back to school during this period.


  • I will need to provide a packed lunch for my child or book a school meal for them if they are not eligible for Free School Meals.


  • If my child is eligible for Free School Meals they will be provided with a hot meal and I will book this using the usual form.


  • I will do everything I can to ensure my child is not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus.


These steps are crucial to safeguard our children, parents and staff. The school continues to have a duty of care over all of these groups.