Coronavirus Update


16th March 2020

I want to share the school’s current position about the Coronavirus. We receive a daily update from the Department for Education that shares any new information and advice. The local authority also sends us regular updates. The situation changes daily and procedures may change.

I would ask that all parents, carers and families continue to follow the government guidance and keep in regular and timely contact with school regarding any issues that may arise.

At school we will continue to encourage children to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. We have increased the opportunities for this to happen in school. Please ensure your child washes their hands before leaving home and when returning from school.

As part of a multi academy trust we also have further guidance to follow and support offered to us. We have been informed that all non-essential visits and visitors to and from school should not take place. For this reason, the upcoming Year 5 swimming lessons, all Beach School sessions and Parents’ Evenings have all been postponed.

The current government guidance remains in place: no education or children’s social care setting should close unless advised to do so by Public Health England. We have a risk assessment in place and will be reviewing this regularly. We are continuing to make plans to ensure that children maintain access to learning in the event of a school closure but this is not imminent. We will be keeping our website up to date with any announcements

I would like to assure you that any decisions made will be following government guidance and in the best interests of the children, staff and wider community. Thank you in advance for your support at this challenging time.

Mr Almond