Chapel joins C.I.T.


March 2018

1st March 2018

Chapel St Leonards Primary converts to academy and joins C.I.T.

Chapel St Leonards Primary School converted to academy status on March 1st and joined The Multi Academy Trust – C.I.T. Academies.

Following a consultation period the Governing Body met to consider all of the information gathered and to make a final decision about the school's future. At this meeting, it was agreed that the school would convert to an Academy as part of the Community Inclusive Trust.

Graham Almond, Headteacher, “We are thrilled to have joined C.I.T, who above everything else, put its learners first. We have been working with the Trust to secure the rapid improvements that the school needs, the Trust have supported this at every level. As a school we can now continue our journey with renewed confidence ensuring that we provide the very best education for our children, an education that they richly deserve.  We look forward to a bright future working in partnership with C.I.T.  I am sure the school will go from strength to strength as a result of becoming an Academy within the Trust.”

Chapel St Leonards joining C.I.T moves the number of schools within the trust to 10:- Woodlands Academy in Spilsby, Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship (Ambergate Sports College and Sandon School), Isaac Newton Primary School in Grantham, The Spalding Special Schools Fellowship (The Priory School and The Garth School), The John Fielding Special School in Boston, Poplar Farm Primary School in Grantham, Caythorpe Primary School near Grantham, and The LEARN Teaching School Alliance.

Peter Bell, C.I.T. Chief Executive, added: “Community Inclusive Trust are delighted that Chapel St. Leonards are joining C.I.T. from the 1st of March.  Chapel St. Leonards have gone through a difficult period over the last 12 months. Moving forward, C.I.T. will work with Chapel’s staff, pupils and parents to ensure the school provides the highest level of education for all.  This will be through a process of high challenge and support, as well as the sharing of expertise across the Trust, other Primaries and Special Schools.”