Our Long Term Plans show the our Topics for each year group and the subject matter for each subject taught.
EYFS LTP 21-22
Y1 LTP 2021- 2022
Y2 LTP 2021-2022
Y3 LTP 2021-2022
Y4 LTP 2021-2022
Y5 LTP 2021-2022
Y6 LTP 2021-2022
We have ensured coverage of the National Curriculum throughout our whole school curriculum and also ensured that learning is progressive and well planned over time. To do this we use our subject hierarchies. This ensures that knowledge and skills build up over time. They can be drawn on in different phases of the school and a depth of learning is developed when our key concepts are revisited. Details for each subject area are shown below:
CSL Art and Design Coverage and Progression
CSL Computing Coverage and Progression
CSL DT Coverage and Progression
CSL Geography Coverage and Progression
CSL History Coverage and Progression
CSL MFL Coverage and Progression
CSL Music Coverage and Progression
CSL Physical Education Coverage and Progression
Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
CSL Science Coverage and Progression
Our subject progression documents show how the small steps from our subject hierarchies are covered to ensure skills and knowledge and embedded and revisited.